Midwest Finishers Sub-Only 2
Saturday, June 22nd at 10th Planet Lombard
Crowning our Welterweight -170lb Champion
$2,000 Grand Prize
16 Man NOGI Bracket ($125 Competitor Buy-In)
Plus SuperFights
Official EBI Rules
All Submissions Legal
10 min Rounds / EBI OT
Live Stream of Event on YouTube
Event Open to the Public
Register for Welterweight Championship -170 lb Bracket or SuperFight
All Applicants will be reviewed
Top 16 Lightweight competitors will receive the invitation to the Tournament
Top 16 Lightweight competitors will compete for the $2,000 Grand Prize
The 16 invited competitors will need to pay an $125 entry fee
Please complete the registration form below
Register at https://midwestfinishers.com/contact/