Midwest Finishers Sub-Only Tournaments is thrilled to recognize our sponsors. These influencers are an integral part of the jiu jitsu creative sub-only community. Please support these businesses in any way your can, as a thank you for their incredible support of Sub-Only competitions.


fuji sPORTS

FUJI Sports provides high quality Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, and Judo gi and gear for students and academies worldwide. FUJI Sports has been outfitting thousands of martial artists since 1969. FUJI Sports produces only the highest quality products at the best possible prices.


Finishers submission only tournament

The Finishers Submission Only Tournament was created to bring the excitement of sub-only jiu jitsu, featuring EBI rules to the East Coast. The event strives to get the most talented up and comers along with seasoned veterans to compete for cash prizes and submission bonuses. We want to Show the Art of jiu-jitsu to the masses.


Finishers mma television

Finsihers MMA TV is your new source of Jiu Jitsu techniques brought to you by world class grapplers for only $6 a month! Sign up today and recieve UNLIMITED access to our entire library of Jiu JItsu techniques, seminars, and much more!